Art Forms

Artist Stories

15 Art Superstars and Their Studios

Everybody needs a workplace. For every artist his studio is a very important place. Take a look at this selection of the superstar artists and their...

Zuzanna Stańska 29 August 2016

Guns, Fire and Blood: Paintings For Our Uncertain Times

Art and politics have always been closely interrelated. Artists documented the events or narrated them, often manipulating the truth. Art is full of...

Magda Michalska 18 July 2016


This Victorian Film Will Make You Feel Like On Florence And The Machine Concert

This month I saw a concert of [easyazon_link identifier=”B00TKTJWEM” locale=”US” tag=”dailyartdaily-20″]Florence...

Zuzanna Stańska 7 July 2016


Daddy, Daddy Cool… Check Out the Cool and the Less-Cool Daddies from Art!

Fathers and daddies of the famous artists: Schiele, Degas, Dali, Cassatt, and Kahlo. Who was supportive and who wasn’t? Paul Cezanne Paul...

Magda Michalska 5 July 2016