Ancient Art

Myth and Legend, John Singer Sargent, Orestes pursued by the Furies, 1921, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, USA Herstory

5 Mythological Superheroes Who Could Star in Marvel Movies

Superheroes are nothing new, they were praised throughout antiquity. We present 5 Goddesses who could be the next movie legends!

Candy Bedworth 27 June 2024

Badass Women of Greek Mythology: Ancient Art

The Top 5 Most Badass Women of Greek Mythology

Most people have heard stories of the most famous Greek gods and heroes: Zeus, Poseidon, Heracles, Hades, etc. But what about the tales and woes of...

Lauren Dorsey 27 June 2024

Ancient Greece

There Were Really Hot Guys in Ancient Greece: The Barberini Faun

Drunk, sleeping men are rarely, if ever, beautiful and sexually appealing, but this is not the case with this really sexy faun from ancient Greece.

Marta Loza 7 June 2024

Group of three figurines, Early Cycladic II, early spedos type, museum number K9, Badisches Landesmuseum, Karlsruhe, Germany. Detail. Ancient Art

Demystifying Cycladic Figurines

Cycladic figurines have a mythical aura. Their gleaming abstract forms speak of timeless beauty. But what actually are they? Why do they look like a...

Isla Phillips-Ewen 27 May 2024

Nike of Samothrace, ca 200-175 BCE, Parian and Lartian marble, Paleopoli, Samothrace, Greece, Musée du Louvre, Paris, France. Detail. Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: Nike of Samothrace

Nike of Samothrace is the masterpiece of an unknown Hellenistic artist. While the artist’s story may be unknown, the statue’s story is as complex...

James W Singer 16 May 2024

Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: Laocoön and His Sons

Laocoön and His Sons was one of the most influential sculptures during the Renaissance. The contorted bodies of the figures, their faces full of...

Anastasia Manioudaki 16 May 2024

Ancient Art

How to Show Up in a Gym – 3 Ancient Sculptures of Hercules

In Greek mythology, Herakles was a demigod and a much admired heroic figure. The Romans called him Hercules (Herakles was his Greek name) and he was...

Ameera Patel 16 May 2024

Ancient Egypt

The Bust of Nefertiti: Ancient Masterpiece or Genius Hoax?

On December 6, 1912, a team of excavators from the Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft, led by Ludwig Borchardt, unearthed a wonderful work of art. They...

Montaine Dumont 16 May 2024

Ancient Greece

Six Ancient Greek Sculptures Everyone Should Know

Greek sculptures have had a profound effect on art throughout the ages. Many of the styles have been reproduced and copied by some of, what...

Zuzanna Stańska 16 May 2024

Ancient Rome

Roman Floor Mosaics: Stories in Stone and Glass

Floor mosaics are one of the most well-preserved and widespread objects of Roman art. They were found throughout the Roman Empire from Britain to...

Anuradha Sroha 13 May 2024

Standing Bodhisattva, 3rd century, gray schist stone, Gandhara, Pakistan, National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, Australia. Detail. Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: Standing Bodhisattva

Standing Bodhisattva is a great example of Gandharan art and its blended multicultural origins: East meets...

James W Singer 29 April 2024

Asian Art

The Eighth Wonder of the World: Terracotta Army

When people mention the Terracotta Army, the first thing that comes to mind is the phrase “the eighth wonder of the world”. It is a symbol of...

Marina Kochetkova 29 April 2024