

Spend Surrealist Summer with Salvador Dalí

Summer is on! If you’re still looking for a beach where you can show your artsy bikini, maybe you’ll be tempted to spend the summer with...

Magda Michalska 22 July 2024


QUIZ: How Well Do You Know Salvador Dalí?

Joanna Kaszubowska 20 July 2024

Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: Sympathy by Remedios Varo

Sympathy is a fascinating painting by Catalan artist Remedios Varo. It presents a lady with a cat in a most unusual and Surrealist situation. You...

Alicja Gluszek 7 July 2024

Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: Self-Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird by Frida Kahlo

The story of Frida Kahlo is narrated through her artworks. She left an indelible mark on the art world with her emotionally charged and...

Celia Leiva Otto 30 June 2024

Contemporary Art

Roberto Ferri: When Contemporary Art Meets Academicism (NSFW)

People often picture contemporary art as a mixed-media practice on current topics set apart from classic styles. However, the art of Roberto Ferri...

Errika Gerakiti 17 June 2024


10 Weird Things About Salvador Dalí You Should Know

It was very difficult to choose only 10 weird things about Salvador Dalí. He is widely known as one of the most eccentric artists in art history.

Zuzanna Stańska 24 May 2024


The Other Side: Women, Art And Spirituality

The Other Side: A Story of Women in Art and the Spirit World is a deep-dive into the world of extraordinary artists translating feeling into form,...

Candy Bedworth 9 May 2024


Christian Dior and Surrealist Women Artists

Feminism which entered the public debate a few decades ago has influenced many aspects of our culture, including fashion. Many designers have...

Errika Gerakiti 6 May 2024

Women Artists

Luchita Hurtado: Art and Life Over a Century

Luchita Hurtado (1920–2020) was an artist, photographer, poet, environmentalist, activist, feminist, fashion designer, and so much more over the...

Jennifer S. Musawwir 6 May 2024


Rebel, Rebel: Claude Cahun and Marcel Moore

If I asked for your top 10 political artists, does Claude Cahun spring to mind? Marcel Moore? No, I guessed as much. But these two art activists had...

Candy Bedworth 12 April 2024

James Ensor, Masks Confronting Death, 1888, Museum of Modern Art, New York, United States of America Expressionism

James Ensor: What the Mask Hides

Do you know who James Ensor was? James Ensor (1860-1949) was a scandalous, rebellious, and revolutionary Belgian painter with a style that could be...

Andra Patricia Ritisan 11 April 2024


Let’s Celebrate 100 Years of Surrealism in Belgium!

Surrealism celebrates its 100th anniversary! Since February 21, 2024, two key art institutions in Brussels have offered unmissable exhibitions. Bozar...

Tommy Thiange 4 April 2024