Can you hear the rustle of draperies and the flutter of wings? It’s the angels, who have popped in to DailyArtDaily to say hi to all lovers of angelic music, fluffy wings and the movie with Meg Ryan and Nicholas Cage (me included!). Jokes apart, they’re here for everyone to sooth, console and support because, in the end, who doesn’t need an angel in their lives? Let them embrace you with their delicate arms.
Vincent van Gogh, Head Of An Angel, After Rembrandt, 1889, private collection
Filippo Lippi, Madonna And Child With Two Angels, 1465, Uffizi
Giovanni Bellini, Dead Christ Supported By Angels,1474, Museo della città di Rimini, Rimini
Sandro Botticelli, Madonna And Child With An Angel, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum (Fenway Court), Boston
Marc Chagall, A Little Angel, 1957, private collection
Carlo Crivelli, Archangel Michael, 1477, The National Gallery, London
Musical Angel, Edward Burne-Jones, date and location unknown
Caravaggio, Saint Matthew And The Angel, 1602, destroyed
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Magda, art historian and Italianist, she writes about art because she cannot make it herself. She loves committed and political artists like Ai Weiwei or the Futurists; like Joseph Beuys she believes that art can change us and we can change the world.