#Amedeo Modigliani


Amedeo Modigliani and His Nude Series

Amedeo Modigliani has always been one of my favorite portraitists because of his delicate lines with which he masterfully rendered the deepest depths...

Magda Michalska 24 September 2024

Dine & Wine

Art History Inspired Birthday Cakes

Birthday cakes are an established tradition for many. Baking in itself is an art – a delicious one. So why have a cake that is only delicious? Make...

Vithória Konzen Dill 22 August 2024


Guess the Artist from Mona Lisa Memes: DailyArt App’s Birthday Quiz!

Marva Becker 22 August 2024

Group of three figurines, Early Cycladic II, early spedos type, museum number K9, Badisches Landesmuseum, Karlsruhe, Germany. Detail. Ancient Art

Demystifying Cycladic Figurines

Cycladic figurines have a mythical aura. Their gleaming abstract forms speak of timeless beauty. But what actually are they? Why do they look like a...

Isla Phillips-Ewen 27 May 2024


Writing Poetry and Inspiring Painters: Portraits of Anna Akhmatova

It is hard to say how many portraits of the poet Anna Akhmatova (1889-1966) exist – she was painted by many famous artists of the 20th century. She...

Elizaveta Ermakova 27 March 2024

Berthe Weill European Art

Berthe Weill: The Unknown Gallerist of the Avant-Garde

Do you know the name of the first female modern art gallery owner? Berthe Weill was born in 1865 and died in 1951 in Paris but nowadays she seems to...

Maia Heguiaphal 29 July 2023

Theater & Cinema

Art in Movies: Modigliani in the Movie Made of Honor

This article goes out to every art lover who is also crazy about movies. In a more specific dedication, to rom-com lovers everywhere! Picture this:...

Vithória Konzen Dill 11 July 2023


The History of Amedeo Modigliani’s Portraits

Amedeo Modigliani painted so many portraits of women – especially nude ones – that people began to see him as a reckless playboy, an image that...

Pola Otterstein 11 July 2023

Love Story

The Tragic Story of Jeanne Hébuterne and Modigliani

Jeanne Hébuterne is best known for being a frequent sitter and common-law wife of the Italian painter Amedeo Modigliani. However, the story of her...

Zuzanna Stańska 10 July 2023

Love Story

Jeanne Hébuterne: Loving Modigliani – A Novel by Linda Lappin

With her dark hair, pale skin, and light blue eyes, affectionately called “noix-de-coco” (coconut) by friends, Jeanne Hèbuterne (1898-1920) is...

Nadine Waldmann 10 July 2023

Art History 101

How the Concept of Reclining Nude Changed After Manet’s Olympia

When French artist Édouard Manet completed his renowned painting Olympia in 1863, it marked a significant turning point in the history of art.

Emre Kagitci 10 July 2023

WTF Art History

Famous People and Their Doppelgängers in Art

Doppelgänger is a word of German origin (doppel- meaning “double,” and -gänger meaning “goer”). In old German folklore, it was believed...

Vithória Konzen Dill 16 March 2023