#Andrea Mantegna


A Peek Into the Masters’ Workshops: How Artists Worked in the Italian Renaissance

The illustrious Renaissance masters and their celebrated artworks have lesser-known stories behind them. The Renaissance art world abounded in tales...

Guest Profile, 5 September 2024


Pillow Talk Stories: The Comfiest Beds in Paintings

When you think about it, most of the events throughout our lives take place in beds. From birth to death, beds are imbued with the ultimate...

Maia Heguiaphal 16 February 2024

Women Artists

Frida Kahlo and the Symbolism in Her Art

Frida Kahlo – a female surrealist to some, and a pioneer of her own artistic expression. Her first European exhibition, championed by André...

Emre Kagitci 6 July 2023

Art State of Mind

Why Is St Sebastian a Gay Icon?

One may think that Christian saints have little in common with gay culture, but there is an exception to every rule. If you see a handsome guy in his...

Magda Michalska 1 June 2023


Trompe L’oeil: How Artists Deceived Our Eyes Throughout the Ages

Without knowing, you have more than likely seen an example or two of trompe l’oeil in art. It is a term that encompasses many art forms in its...

Rachel Witte 13 April 2023

Andrea Mantegna, Bridal Chamber, Ocluus. Mantua, Italy. Renaissance

Fooling the Eye: Illusionistic Games in Andrea Mantegna’s Bridal Chamber

A masterpiece of the early Italian Renaissance, Andrea Mantegna’s Bridal Chamber has been described as the most beautiful room in the world.

Natalia Iacobelli 30 March 2023

Art History 101

Contrapposto 101 – It’s All in the Pose

If you are taking an introductory art history course in school this semester, you’ll soon be talking a lot about contrapposto. I remember...

Alexandra Kiely 24 January 2022

Museum Stories

Museums in the Time of a Pandemic

Visiting museums during the pandemic. Perspectives from around the world.

Jennifer S. Musawwir 27 January 2021

Museum Stories

Mantegna and Bellini – Brothers in Art?

With this exhibition, the National Gallery in London aims to explore the artistic relationship between Andrea Mantegna and Giovanni Bellini. The...

Joanna Kaszubowska 10 December 2018