

(Sur)reality in the Photography of Kati Horna

Kati Horna (1912-2000) photographed both the real world and the surreal. She was a modern photographer who used her camera to document a civil war...

Natalia Tiberio 16 August 2024

Women Artists

Amrita Sher-Gil – India’s Frida Kahlo

Amrita Sher-Gil lived a short but certainly interesting life. Her artistic oeuvre is extremely impressive and she is considered to be one of the most...

Zuzanna Stańska 30 January 2023

Museum Stories

Pharmacy Museums: Houses of Oddities

A pharmacy is a very weird kind of shop. It has your favorite skin creams and food supplements. They also carry medicines for the flu, blood...

Marija Canjuga 19 February 2022

Museum Stories

Around the world with the National Portrait Gallery – P.5 Europe

The National Portrait Gallery in London is due to close its doors from 29 June 2020. The Inspiring People gallery redevelopment works will take three...

Joanna Kaszubowska 24 February 2020