
Love Story

The Love Affair of Radha and Krishna in Art

The love story of Radha and Krishna has been immortalized in art by poets, musicians, writers, and painters over the long history of Hinduism. The...

Maya M. Tola 14 February 2024

Love Story

The Serene Beauty of a Pastoral Love: Daphnis and Chloé Paintings

Well-known love stories are an essential part of our literary conscience. Within these stories, themes such as separation, sacrifice, and passion...

Erol Degirmenci 14 February 2024

mythical love stories Love Story

5 Mythical Love Stories Depicted in Art

Mythical love stories are some of the greatest ever told, capturing the hearts of many generations. They have been recreated in sculpture, retold in...

Charlotte Stace 14 February 2024

Double-Headed Serpent, ca 1400-1521, mosaic on wood, British Museum, London, UK. Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: Double-Headed Serpent

Double-Headed Serpent is a masterpiece of Aztec art that combines religious and commercial significance. It is filled with hidden allusions under a...

James W Singer 11 February 2024

Ancient Rome

Masterpiece Story: Mithras Slaying the Bull

Mithras Slaying the Bull is a compilation of the entire religious and symbolic images of Mithraism. It reflects promised immortality and personal...

James W Singer 21 January 2024

Kūka’ilimoku, ca 1795-1822, ʻŌhiʻa lehua Wood, Kawaihae, Hawai’i, British Museum, London, UK. Detail. Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: Kūka’ilimoku

Kūka’ilimoku is a masterpiece of Hawaiian art. It is an artistic icon of Hawai’i, Polynesia, and Oceania. With so little Oceanic art displayed...

James W Singer 18 January 2024


Rainbows in Art History: A Symbol of Hope for a Better Future

Let us look at the significance of rainbows in art history across different cultures. Even though we now know the scientific reason behind rainbows,...

Anuradha Sroha 9 January 2024

Art State of Mind

Drama on Canvas – Dramatic Scenes in Painting

Although performing arts may be the popular avenue to convey drama, visual arts are also a powerful medium for the subject matter. Visual artists...

Maya M. Tola 9 January 2024

Remedios Varo, An unexpected visit, 1958. Women Artists

Remedios Varo: Forgotten Spanish Painter of Magic

Remedios Varo (1908-1963) was a 20th-century Surrealist painter. Born in Spain, she was forced to move to France and Mexico to escape the Spanish...

Jimena Escoto 16 December 2023

European Art

Proserpina and the Myth of Spring Explained in 3 Masterpieces

Because we like myths, tales, and legends, with the arrival of spring we take the opportunity to tell you a tale related to this magical season. We...

Andra Patricia Ritisan 13 December 2023

Gian Lorenzo Bernini, The Rape of Proserpina Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: Rape of Proserpina by Gian Lorenzo Bernini

Sail into the world of antiquity through the eyes of the Baroque artist Gian Lorenzo Bernini. In the Borghese Gallery in Rome, you can find Rape of...

Ana Djoric 13 December 2023

Love Story

Legend of Proserpina by Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Works of the famous Pre-Raphaelite artist Dante Gabriel Rossetti often resonate with his personal experiences in life and love. Especially, the lush...

Bolor Jargalsaikhan 13 December 2023