#Niki de Saint Phalle

niki de saint phalle Women Artists

Niki de Saint Phalle and the Nana Statues

We all have seen somewhere these voluminous, beautifully dressed, and dancing sculptures. They are called Nanas, and they were made by a...

Wendy Gray 10 July 2024


Niki de Saint Phalle – An Extraordinary Sculptress

Niki de Saint Phalle was a French-American artist and the only woman within the Nouveau Réalisme group that included Arman, Christo, Yves Klein,...

Magda Michalska 10 July 2024

Women Artists

The Colorful World of Niki de Saint Phalle’s Tarot Garden

Inspired by Antoni Gaudí’s Park Güell in Barcelona, Parco dei Mostri in Bomarzo, as well as Palais Idéal by Ferdinand Cheval, the...

Caroline Galambosova 10 July 2024

Women Artists

10 Great Women Sculptors You Should Know

Just like traditionally in painting, art history has acknowledged mainly male sculptors. However, that doesn’t mean that women haven’t made...

Errika Gerakiti 26 June 2023

Art State of Mind

Art for Babies – Artworks Your Infant Will Enjoy

Art is for everyone, even newborns! Parents who love art can still enjoy museums and galleries with their little ones and the little pre-crawlers are...

Isla Phillips-Ewen 1 June 2023

Niki de Saint Phalle surrounded by her sculptures painting Le Monde, c. 1981. Photograph by Laurent Codominas © 2010 Niki Charitable Art Foundation. Courtesy of Opera Gallery. Detail. Review

Find Paradise with Niki de Saint Phalle: Paradis Retrouvé in Opera Gallery

This week marks the birthday of Niki de Saint Phalle, the Franco-American artist who died in 2002. To celebrate the occasion, I visited a new...

Louisa Mahoney 29 October 2022

Museum Stories

15 Must-See Art Exhibitions in 2020

If your new year’s resolution is to see more art in 2020, Daily Art Magazine is here to help. Check out our list of 15 Must-See Art Exhibitions...

Joanna Kaszubowska 11 January 2020