#paul gauguin

quiz post impressionism Quiz

QUIZ: Can You Guess These Post-Impressionist Painters?

Guest Profile, 12 October 2024

Art State of Mind

5 Positive Effects of Art on Mental Health

It is scientifically proven that art can have positive effects on our mood and can help improve our mental health. But what is it about art that...

Nina Relf 10 October 2024

Art State of Mind

Bringing Up Baby – The Art of Parenting Through the Ages

Childcare can take so many forms. Kids throughout history have been raised by gay dads, lesbian moms, whole villages, singles, and adoptive parents.

Candy Bedworth 30 September 2024

Controversial Artists: Artist Stories

Controversial or Criminal? Problematic Artists and Cancel Culture

Great art pushes boundaries and challenge norms. But how should we react to works by artists with a history of truly horrifying behaviour?

Candy Bedworth 23 September 2024

autumnal still life Dine & Wine

Autumnal Still Lifes for a Tasty Welcome of Autumn

As the days slowly become darker and gloomier, and all the beautiful green flora is turning yellow and red, we would like to officially welcome...

Magda Michalska 23 September 2024


Guess the Artist from Mona Lisa Memes: DailyArt App’s Birthday Quiz!

Marva Becker 22 August 2024

Georges Seurat, Bathers at Asnieres, 1884, National Gallery, London, UK. Art State of Mind

Seaside Fun and Lots of Nudes: Bathing in Art

Let’s take a look at depictions of bathing in art and admire some nudes. These paintings, which span just over 20 years, mark not only a...

Wendy Gray 13 August 2024


The Story of an Excessively Electric Friendship Between Van Gogh and Gauguin

People say that you shouldn’t live with your friends because your friendship may deteriorate. The story of the friendship between Vincent van...

Magda Michalska 30 July 2024

Art Travels

Top 7 Summer Destinations Inspired by Art

Are you still undecided of where to go on vacation this summer? Check out the top seven favourite summer destinations inspired by art and find a...

Magda Michalska 22 July 2024

Paul Gauguin, Still Life with Tahitian Oranges, 1892, private collection. Post-Impressionism

Paul Gauguin and His Fruits

Psst, are you in the mood for a sweet treat? Most know Paul Gauguin for his landscapes and the portraits he painted during his time in Tahiti. But...

Ruxi Rusu 18 July 2024


Van Gogh’s Marvelous Flower Paintings

Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) was an incredibly prolific artist whose paintings are known all over the world. Besides self-portraits and landscapes,...

Camilla de Laurentis 13 June 2024

WTF Art History

5 Artists Who Likely Suffered From Syphilis

Also known as the French disease or great pox, syphilis was a common sexually transmitted disease in Europe in the 1800s. In fact, 10-15% of...

Kelly Hill 11 June 2024