#washington DC

Pablo Picasso, Lovers, 1923, National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, USA. Detail. Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: Lovers by Pablo Picasso

The Lovers by Pablo Picasso explores the dynamics of courtship. It returns to an earlier painting tradition and invents a new interpretation.

James W Singer 18 August 2024

John Singer Sargent, Nonchaloir, 1911, National Gallery of Art, Washington DC, USA. Detail. Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: Nonchaloir (Repose) by John Singer Sargent

John Singer Sargent’s Nonchaloir (Repose) is a masterpiece of American Impressionism. It explores a poetic moment of aristocratic...

James W Singer 9 June 2024

Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: Ground Swell by Edward Hopper

Edward Hopper created his peaceful seascape masterpiece Ground Swell with hinted implications of social disengagement, emotional loneliness, and...

James W Singer 21 April 2024

Contemporary Art

Official Portraits of Michelle and Barack Obama

On February 12, 2018, the official portraits of former US president Barack Obama and first lady Michelle were unveiled. They are the latest additions...

Karolina 20 February 2023

North American Art

Capitol Building Art: Oh Say Can You See

The United States’ Capitol Building has received a lot of attention in the past weeks. And if you have seen any news on the U.S. recently, you...

Rachel Witte 24 January 2021